Brand pictures 2024

Student possibilities

We offer multiple possibilities and interesting trainee programs for students in all stages of their studies; both law students and students interested in working as legal assistants.

Upcoming events in Finland

We host a variety of different events for students in Finland through out the year. Attending our events is an excellent way to get to know our people and us as a firm. We post information on upcoming events on this page and in our social media channels.

Stay tuned and see you around!

Upcoming events in Sweden

We host a variety of different events for students in Sweden through out the year. Attending our events is an excellent way to get to know our people and us as a firm. We post information on upcoming events on this page and in our social media channels.

Stay tuned and see you around!

Connect with us

Do you want to be the first to find out about upcoming events and open positions? Connect with us to receive a newsletter on the latest updates straight to your inbox.

“A cup of” – a student podcast

“A cup of” is a monthly podcast for anyone who is interested in the legal profession and the work at a law firm. In “A cup of”, we sit down with legal experts, recruitment professionals and other interesting profiles to talk about their experiences, insights and thoughts about work at a law firm.

Our student programs

Arbetsplatsanknutet utredningsarbete (APU)

Stockholm | Advanced internship for law students at Lund University, offering hands-on experience in business law at Roschier’s Stockholm office.

Gain real-world experience in business law through Arbetsplatsanknutet utredningsarbete (APU), an advanced internship for Lund University law students. At Roschier’s Stockholm office, APU interns work on real assignments, immerse themselves in our culture, and build a professional network.

Assistant Trainee

Helsinki & Stockholm | Students looking for a traineeship whilst they are studying for their degree at, for example, a university of applied sciences.

Working as an Assistant Trainee gives you the opportunity to develop your skills in supporting successful business law practice teams. In this role you will be responsible for providing high-quality administrative support and services along with your colleagues.

Associate Trainee

Helsinki | Law students who have completed a minimum of 180 credits by the beginning of the traineeship.

With a similar job profile to Associates in the early stages of their career, the Associate Trainee program offers you a solid platform to apply your knowledge in practice in the challenging and ever-changing business law environment. The Associate Trainees’ tasks may include drafting documents, translating legal material and preparing problem-based analyses of the application of different laws.

R Connect

Stockholm | An opportunity for law students at the beginning of their studies to get to know life at a law firm.

R Connect is for law students looking to explore a career in business law with the support of a mentor. Through exclusive events, mentoring sessions, and digital training, you’ll gain valuable insights, build a strong network, and develop key skills for your future career.

Research trainee

STOCKHOLM | law students who have completed a minimum of four semesters.

Our Research Trainee program represents an outstanding opportunity to discover the world of business from a legal perspective. It is also an excellent way for you to get to know Roschier and for us to get to know you.

Roschier Talent Academy

Helsinki & Stockholm | Law students who have completed five semesters (Sweden) or have a minimum of 90 study credits (Finland) as the program kicks off.

Roschier Talent Academy is intended for law students who are interested in pursuing a career at a business law firm. It is an opportunity to get to know the legal profession from the inside and build a network that will benefit the rest of your career.

Summer Trainee

Stockholm | Law students who have completed a minimum of six semesters.

Our Summer Trainees are able to use their legal knowledge as they take part in the day-to-day work of their team. The tasks include drafting documents, translating legal material and preparing problem-based analyses of the application of different laws. During the summer, you will also participate in different seminars and social activities.

Thesis Trainee

Stockholm | Law students at the end of their studies.

Our Thesis Program represents an outstanding opportunity to gain access to a great pool of knowledge and expertise, as well as practical support, when writing your thesis. It is also an excellent way for you to get to know Roschier and for us to get to know you. We offer you a sponsorship program that is built to support you throughout the writing process.

Office Support

Helsinki & Stockholm | Law students at an early stage of their degree. No study credits required.

Our Office Support program aims to be an outstanding opportunity to discover the world of business from a legal perspective. Our Office Support perform various tasks that support all the functions at the office.

Why join us as a student?

Our student programs can help you make a smooth and exciting transition from university to work life. Inspiring colleagues, together with the stimulating work and social environment we offer, are the reasons why so many of our trainees return to work with us once they have graduated.

Development and growth

Development and growth

We are committed to continuous development and professional growth.

Roschier University

Roschier University

As a trainee, you get a glimpse of Roschier University, with its broad curriculum of skills training and people development programs.

Brightest minds

Brightest minds

With us, you get to work with the brightest minds in the Nordics.

Roschier culture

Roschier culture

We are proud of our open, collaborative and supportive culture.



You will have your own Tutor and Mentor through your traineeship.

International setting

International setting

Roschier is an inspiring, flexible and fun place to work, in a truly international setting.

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Main contacts

Emil Koho

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Carolina Axelsson

Talent Acquisition Specialist