Events | April 18, 2018
IPR University Center’s event held at Roschier´s Helsinki office
IPR University Center arranged their brainstorming day “Ideariihi” at Roschier’´s premises on 11 April. Roschier Partner Markku Tuominen welcomed the guests to Roschier and the day continued with lively discussions and brainstorming on IPR University´s future activities, trainings and visibility.
IPR University Center shares information pertaining to intellectual property, and coordinates research in the field and arranges IPR-related education. IPR University Center strives to create collaboration between researchers and institutions representing different disciplines as well as to encourage links between universities and business world. In the global context of business and academic research, it is impossible to operate without IPR knowledge. IPR University Center is a joint institute of six Finnish universities: University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Turku, Hanken School of Economics, University of Eastern Finland and University of Lapland. Read more at: https://www.iprinfo.com/en_GB/