Events | November 7, 2018
Meet the Finnish IP Judges on 26 November 2018
MARQUES, the European Association of Trade Mark Owners, is once again organising its very popular Judges Meeting in Helsinki!
The event will consist of panels on trademark and unfair competition law, patent law, and procedural questions with Market Court judges discussing recent trends and topics of interest in Finnish IP litigation.
Come hear all about our IP judges’ thoughts on upcoming reform in trade mark procedure, recent developments in patent injunctions case law, the new Trade Secrets Act and much more. After the panels, attendees are invited to stay for drinks and discussion with the judges and practitioners.
Roschier, together with the other organising law firms, highly recommends you to register for the event held on
Monday 26 November 2018 at 9:30–16:00 at Kansallissali (Aleksanterinkatu 44 A, 2nd floor, Helsinki).
The panels will be held in Finnish. More information on the programme and registration details can be found on Marques website.