Recent work | December 7, 2021
Roschier acted for IK Partners in the acquisition of Renta Group Oy
Nordic private equity group IK Partners has agreed to acquire Renta Group Oy from Intera Partners, alongside Renta Group's management and employees who will be reinvesting. Roschier represent the buyer in the transaction.
With over 1,000 employees across Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Poland, Renta Group is a full-service machine and equipment rental services company with more than 100 depots. The equipment offered meets a broad range of customer needs across construction, infrastructure and industrial markets.
Completion of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals.
Roschier’s main advisory team comprises Jouni Salmi, Jon Unnérus, Kiira Tuohimaa-Leisio, Wiljami Siitonen, Amanda Rekonen and Juska Simpanen for M&A, Mika Ohtonen, Laura Puro and Andreas Bussman for Tax & Structuring and Ami Paanajärvi and Harri Puskala for Competition law.