Recent work | June 29, 2022
Roschier advises CVC Funds and Teniralc in the public offer for all shares in Cary Group
CVC Funds and Nordic Capital, through their jointly owned company Teniralc BidCo AB, have announced a public offer of SEK 65 in cash per share to the shareholders of Cary Group Holding AB (publ).
The public offer, valuing Cary Group at approximately SEK 8.6 billion, was announced on 29 June 2022. The acceptance period for the offer is expected to commence on or about 7 July 2022 and expire on or about 22 August 2022.
The completion of the offer is conditional upon, among other things, the offer being accepted to such extent that Teniralc becomes the owner of shares representing more than 90 percent of the total number of outstanding shares in Cary Group (on a fully diluted basis) and receipt of regulatory approvals. Roschier advises CVC Funds and Teniralc and Cederquist advises Nordic Capital and Teniralc in the offer.
Roschier’s core advisory team comprises Jens Bengtsson, Malin Leffler, Ola Sandersson, Tilda Rosengren, Lovisa Eliasson, Mathilda Hoffman, Emil Larsson and Evelina Pettersson.