Recent work | November 6, 2019
Roschier advises Hoivatilat in Aedifica public cash tender offer
Belgian care developer Aedifica has announced a recommended public cash tender offer for all shares in Hoivatilat. Roschier represents Hoivatilat in the deal, valuing Hoivatilat equity at EUR 376 million.
Aedifica SA/NV and Hoivatilat Plc have entered into a combination agreement according to which Aureit Holding Oy will make a voluntary recommended public cash tender offer to purchase all shares in Hoivatilat.
In the tender offer, Hoivatilat’s shareholders will be offered a cash consideration of EUR 14.75 for each share. The Board of Directors of Hoivatilat has unanimously decided to recommend that the shareholders of Hoivatilat accept the offer.
Hoivatilat, a Finnish real estate company listed on the official list of Nasdaq Helsinki, specializes in producing, developing, owning and leasing out day care centers and nursing home premises, service communities and schools.
Aedifica, listed on the Brussels Stock Exchange, is a regulated real estate company specialized in European healthcare real estate and has developed a portfolio of more than 260 sites in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
The offer period is expected to be from around 11 November 2019 to around 2 December 2019, unless the offer period is extended in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender offer.
Roschier’s advisory team comprises Antti Ihamuotila, Jan-Anders Wik, Seppo Kymäläinen, Wiljami Siitonen, Pauliina Repo, Matias Oikarinen and Janne Nurminen.