Awards & rankings | September 19, 2019
Roschier continues to receive top ratings by clients in recent survey of the Swedish legal market
In the KANTAR SIFO Prospera Tier 1 Law Firm Review 2019 for Sweden, Roschier reconfirms its position as a leading legal advisor in the Nordics by maintaining its ranking among the top three business law firms. The ranking is based on an assessment by companies representing the largest purchasers of legal services in Sweden.
Published every fall, the recent Prospera Tier 1 Law Firm Review has examined thirteen business law firms in Sweden. In this year’s survey, Roschier was particularly acknowledged for the ability to understand its clients’ needs, a high level of business orientation as well as availability & service. The respondents also applauded the quality of legal advice provided by the firm’s advisors.
KANTAR SIFO Prospera surveys and ranks banks, finance institutions and law firms based on customer assessments. Participants in the current Tier 1 Law Firm Review survey included CEOs, CFOs and general counsel from 233 major companies and organizations in Sweden. Of these, 91 belong to the highest category (Tier 1A) and are Sweden-based organizations that purchase legal services for at least SEK 8 million. The interviewees evaluated Roschier and other business law firms based on criteria such as strategic partnership, legal advisory, specialist expertise and business orientation, but also other factors such as competitive fees, project management and availability. The survey was carried out as combined telephone interviews and e-mail questionnaires, between 20 June 20 and 6 September 2019.