Recent work | February 5, 2019
Roschier represented Erikoissijoitusrahasto eQ Liikekiinteistöt in the acquisition of three office properties
Roschier represented Erikoissijoitusrahasto eQ Liikekiinteistöt in the approx. EUR 25 million acquisition from NREP of two office properties, the property Hiomotie 30 in Pitäjänmäki, Helsinki and the property Piano in the Aviapolis Gate8 area. The Roschier team mainly comprised of Mika Alanko, Alisa Muraja, Heidi Kantola, Oskari Lindholm and Sara Karhu.
Roschier represented Erikoissijoitusrahasto eQ Liikekiinteistöt in the over EUR 50 million acquisition of a multi-tenant office property at Teollisuuskatu 21 in Vallila, Helsinki from LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company. The Roschier team mainly comprised of Mika Alanko, Alisa Muraja and Anniina Kunnaton.