Recent work | March 20, 2019
Roschier represented Sumitomo Corporation in the acquisition of Q-Park Operations
Roschier represented Sumitomo Corporation in the acquisition of Q-Park Operations B.V. being the holding company for parking facilities in Sweden, Norway and Finland, (“Q-Park Nordics”) from Q-Park Operations Holdings B.V., which is under management of the infrastructure team in U.S. investment fund Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Q-Park Nordics is the largest provider of parking facilities in Sweden, Norway and Finland with about 20% market share in these respective countries, operating about 370,000 parking lots.
The acquisition is subject to customary anti-trust approvals.
The Roschier team mainly comprised Jens Bengtsson, Marcus Hedén, Lisa Hybbinette, Chrissa Karambotis, Clara Ericsson, Elin Osbeck, Victoria Bergholtz, Jenni Vinnari, Janne Nurminen, Thomas Borgenfalk, Toni Salama, Kristian Hugmark, Måns Gottfries and Jacob Giesecke.