Recent work | May 30, 2018
Roschier represents NCAB on their IPO
Roschier represented NCAB Group AB (publ), R12 Kapital AB and the other selling shareholders in the IPO of NCAB Group on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Carnegie acted as Manager, and the offering was supported by a number of cornerstone investors, including Fjärde AP-fonden, Tredje AP-fonden, C WorldWide Asset Management, Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning och Lazard Asset Management.
The prospectus was approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and published on 23 May 2018 and trading in NCAB Group’s shares on Nasdaq Stockholm will commence on 5 June 2018.
The Roschier core team consisted of Pontus Enquist, Malin Leffler, Henrik Fritz, David Antonovic, Emma Brolund, Gabriella Fredlund, Alexander Yeibio and John Ersson.