Awards & rankings | September 24, 2018
Roschier top ranked by largest purchasers of legal services in Sweden
Roschier is ranked as one of the foremost Swedish business law firms in this year's KANTAR SIFO Prospera Tier 1 Law Firm Review. The ranking is based on an assessment by companies representing the largest purchasers of legal services in Sweden.
“Among the companies that account for the largest purchasing volumes of legal services in Sweden, Roschier climbed from third to second spot. We are delighted and encouraged that the largest Swedish companies value our performance and services. A top two ranking is of course very positive and gives us the opportunity to move further up the scale,” says Fredrik Rydin, Managing Partner at Roschier.
Roschier improved its ranking across nine different criteria and claimed the number one spot in the categories of strategic partnership, personal contacts, project staffing and project management. The firm was also acknowledged for the quality of its legal advice and specialist expertise, business orientation and the willingness of clients to recommend the firm.
KANTAR SIFO Prospera surveys and ranks banks, finance institutions and law firms based on customer assessments. Participants in the current Tier 1 Law Firm Review survey included CEOs, CFOs and general counsel from 217 major companies and organizations in Sweden. Of these, 83 belong to the highest category (Tier 1A) and are Sweden-based organizations that purchase legal services for at least SEK 8 million. The interviewees evaluated Roschier and other business law firms based on criteria such as strategic partnership, legal advisory, specialist expertise and business orientation, but also other factors such as competitive fees, project management and availability.
To view the tables for overall performance, click here.