Awards & rankings | June 16, 2020
Roschier top-ranked in IAM Patent 1000 – 2020 for Finland and Sweden
The 2020 Edition of Intellectual Asset Management Patent 1000 - The World's Leading Patent Professionals ranks Roschier in the uppermost Gold band for Finland in the Patent Litigation and Patent Transactions categories. In Sweden, Roschier is also recommended in the Patent Litigations and Patent Transactions categories.
Several of our practitioners are individually ranked, with Rainer Hilli ranked Gold in Finland for Patent Litigations, quoted by IAM Patent 1000 as being “the undeniable master of patent disputes”, and Johanna Lilja, “a brilliant and calm negotiator“, Mikko Manner, with “a flair for licensing” and Mikael Segercrantz, an “incredibly knowledgeable and superb advocate” ranked Silver.
In the Patent Transactions category, Johanna Flythström, who “has global licensing agreements in the bag“, Arto Linnervuo, “a fine choice for innovators“, Mikko Manner and Niklas Östman, who “develops monetization strategies that fit the bill perfectly” are ranked.
In Sweden, Erik Ficks, “incredibly sharp and precise“, is individually high-ranked in categories Patent Litigations and the Patent Transactions.
The IAM Patent 1000 is commonly regarded as the definitive resource for those seeking to identify world-class, private practice patent expertise and leading expert witnesses.
A clear market leader, Roschier is the best in the business for high-end litigation.