Events | May 5, 2020
Webinar for law students: Transactions from A to Z
Date: Monday 18 May 2020
Time: 13:00 (SWE) 14:00 (FIN)
Registration: via this link.
Law students, welcome to join us for our first ever Transactions from A to Z webinar. Learn about the fundamental elements and different phases of a transaction, such as how an M&A process differs from the perspectives of the seller and the buyer, and gain a better understanding of what it’s like to work with M&A at a leading business law firm. Our experts, Kiira Tuohimaa-Leisio and Axel Bonning, Senior Associates in our M&A team, will guide you through the process and the crucial steps involved.
To participate, please sign up via the link above. If you have questions, please contact Milla Hänninen.