Recent work | November 10, 2021
Wolt and DoorDash to join forces in an approximately EUR 7 billion transaction – Wolt chose Roschier as the headquarter counsel
Wolt is among the fastest growing Nordic technology companies with operations in nearly thirty jurisdictions in an innovative industry that is experiencing regulatory attention. Wolt is now being acquired by a US listed corporation in an all-stock transaction. Roschier’s team assisted Wolt in resolving the complexities arising from the particulars of the project.
“In a high-velocity project like the one at hand, Roschier’s collaborative and client-centric approach was critical in delivering the breadth and depth of expertise they have in a manner that truly helped us resolve the complexity we were facing” says Riikka Tieaho, General Counsel at Wolt.
“Just super happy for Wolt and very proud of the team”, say Roschier’s Tero Jormanainen and Jouni Salmi, the lead M&A partners for the transaction.
The breadth of Roschier’s market-leading practices will continue to work on the project as the parties head toward the closing of the transaction as set out in Wolt’s and DoorDash’s releases.
With a core team lead by Tero Jormanainen and Jouni Salmi and comprising also Mika Ohtonen and Andreas Bussman (Tax and Structuring), Valentin Golovanov and Wiljami Siitonen (M&A), Johanna Flythström (IP and privacy), Seppo Kymäläinen, Mia Mokkila and Jaakko Laitinen (Corporate), as well as Anu Waaralinna, Janne Nurminen and Mari Mohsen (Employment), Roschier is working in close cooperation with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP in the transaction.
More information on the deal: