Bruno Gustafsson

Senior Associate, Stockholm

Dispute Resolution


Bruno Gustafsson is a Stockholm-based Senior Associate. He advises clients in arbitration and litigation proceedings relating to various industries and areas of law. Bruno has experience of international and domestic arbitrations under various institutional arbitration rules, as well as investment arbitrations. He has been involved in disputes relating to, e.g., insurance coverage, construction projects, the automotive industry, energy and infrastructure, joint ventures, challenges of arbitral awards, patent infringement, deceptive advertising, defective goods, telecoms projects, and M&A. He also has experience in white-collar defense and sanctions compliance.

Bruno has published several academic articles, including with Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook, Creighton Law Review, and SCOPUS-indexed law journal University of Bologna Law Review. His publications have focused on, among other things, sovereignty issues and provisional relief in investor-state arbitration, virtual hearings, litigation funding, and various energy-related topics.


Roschier (2018-)


Member of the Swedish Bar Association


“Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook” (Asst. Ed., 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions, Ed. for 5th edition), Kluwer Law International

“EU Law Showing its Teeth: The Annulment of Novenergia II v Spain”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 03/2023

“Digital Hearings – Civil Procedure and Arbitration” (Ed.), Norstedts Juridik, 09/22

“The Third Party Litigation Funding Law Review: Sweden”, 5th edition, The Law Reviews, 12/21

“Covid-19 and Arbitral Practice: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead”, Creighton Law Review, 09/21

“UNCITRAL Working Group III: Security for Costs – An Inefficient Mechanism to Avert Frivolous Claims in ISDS”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 03/2020

“Energy Law in Sweden – Recent developments in the Swedish energy market” Herbert Smith Freehill’s European Energy Handbook 2019-2020, with M. Olsson and L. Ekborg, 11/2019

“A practitioner’s guide to security for costs at the SCC”, Global Arbitration Review, with C. Persson, 11/2019

Swedish chapter in Global Legal Insights – Energy 2020″, 8th edition, with M. Olsson, Global Legal Group Ltd.

“Article 38 of the SCC Rules: An Analysis of Security for Costs in TPF Arbitration”, Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2019, Kluwer Law International, 07/2019

“Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration: States Playing Games in Local Courts by Invoking the Trump Card (Police Powers)”, University of Bologna Law Review, Vol. 4.1 2019

Swedish chapter in “Global Legal Insights – Energy 2019” 7th edition, with M. Olsson, Global Legal Group Ltd.

“Third Party Funding in Sweden – Uncovering Uncharted Territory”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 09/2018

“The Binding Nature of Provisional ‘Recommendations’ in ICSID Arbitration”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog 06/2018

“Third-Party Funding: Enforcement as a Cornerstone in the Funding Calculus”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog 12/2017

“Access to Justice: Rebalancing the Third-Party Funding Equilibrium in Investment Treaty Arbitration”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog 11/2017

Recent speaking engagements

“What Lies Ahead in Large Green Transition Projects – Managing Disputes”, Roschier Arbitration Forum (panelist) 05/2024

“Investment Screening – Protecting a Sovereign’s Strategic Interests vs. Investors’ Rights under International Law”, Roschier Arbitration Forum (moderator) 05/2023

“Virtual hearings – key findings and best practice”, seminar arranged by the Danish Arbitration Association (panelist) 02/2023

“Possible nationalization of Western assets in Russia and other commercial risks in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine”, Roschier Insights Seminar (panelist) 03/2022

“ISDS Reform Regime Interaction”, International Teaching Month, Institute of Law, Nirma University, (panelist) 02/2021

“Should arbitration be limited to two parties only?” International Seminar on Transnational Litigation, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India, (panelist) 03/2019


Stockholm University, LL.M. (2018)


English, Swedish