Miikka Kujanpää
Senior Associate, Stockholm
Corporate Advisory, Equity Capital Markets, Public M&A
Miikka Kujanpää is a Stockholm-based Senior Associate working with Roschier’s Public M&A, Corporate Advisory and Equity Capital Markets practices.
His previous experience includes working as visiting lawyer at Nordea Corporate Finance in Stockholm.
In addition to his Swedish LL.M. degree, Miikka has studied law at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He joined Roschier in 2019.
Work highlights
Miikka Kujanpää’s experience includes advising:
- Cibus Nordic Real Estate in connection with the acquisition of Forum Estates and 31 grocery stores in Denmark;
- Slättö in the divestment of its entire shareholding in Logistea;
- CVC in the SEK 656 million sell-down of shares in Synsam;
- Cibus Nordic Real Estate in its SEK 927 million directed share issue;
- Frazier Life Sciences in its additional USD 10 million investment in Egetis Therapeutics;
- Carnegie, Nordea and Swedbank in Nyfosa’s SEK 1.7 billion directed share issue;
- A bid consortium consisting of Greenoaks and Long Path in their recommended public offer for Karnov;
- SEB in connection with HMS Networks’ placement of shares raising proceeds of SEK 1.4 billion;
- CVC in the SEK 1.1 billion sell-down of shares in Synsam;
- Freya Investissement in the SEK 13 billion acquisition of Kinnevik’s entire shareholding in Tele2;
- Avalara in its SEK 7.3 billion public offer for Pagero;
- The lenders in connection with Stirling Square, TA and Macquarie Capital’s recommended public cash offer for Byggfakta;
- Collaborative Fund in its investment in Aira;
- Frazier Life Sciences in its investment in Egetis Therapeutics;
- BNP Paribas in the SEK 2.5 billion rights issue in Alimak Group;
- Castellum in its fully underwritten rights issue of approximately SEK 10 billion;
- Castellum in the SEK 26.9 billion public offer for Kungsleden;
- TA Associates in connection with the public tender offer for Elos Medtech;
- Novax on its investment in AquaDental;
- Searchlight Capital Partners in the acquisition of shares to obtain more than 90% ownership of Opus Group;
- Bain Capital in the EUR 2.1 billion public cash tender offer for all shares in Ahlstrom-Munksjö;
- Pareto Securities in Implantica AG’s IPO of Swedish Depository Receipts;
- Nordic Waterproofing in its re-domiciliation through a cross-border reverse merger and listing on Nasdaq Stockholm;
- NCAB Group AB (publ) in its directed share issue to Swedish and international institutional investors;
- Searchlight in the public offer for Opus Group.
Roschier (2019-)
Nordea Corporate Finance, Visiting Lawyer (2022)
Member of the Swedish Bar Association
Uppsala University, LL.M., (2019)
English, Finnish, Swedish