Sari Rasinkangas
Senior Associate, Helsinki
Sari Rasinkangas is a Helsinki-based Senior Associate specialized in EU and competition law. She has extensive experience in a wide range of competition law assignments, including cartel and dominance matters, horizontal and vertical cooperation between undertakings, private enforcement of competition law, merger control as well as public procurement matters both in an advisory role as well as in proceedings before the Finnish and EU competition authorities and courts.
Sari regularly contributes articles to leading competition law publications. In addition to her LL.M. degree, Sari holds a post-graduate LL.M. degree from the University of Chicago, and she is a member of the New York Bar. Sari has also worked as a Visiting Lawyer at TeliaSonera Finland Oyj.
Sari is listed as a leading expert within competition and antitrust by several organizations, such as the Expert Guide: Rising Stars 5th edition, published by Euromoney.
Work highlights
Sari Rasinkangas’ experience includes advising:
- Micro Devices, Inc. in acquisition of Silo AI Oy;
- Aava Terveyspalvelut in the sale of Docrates Cancer Center to Mehiläinen;
- Matrix 42, a portfolio company of Corten Capital, in the acquisition of Efecte;
- European Directories Group, a portfolio company owned by Triton, in the sale of Fonecta Group to Sponsor Capital;
- Gridspertise S.r.l., a company jointly owned and controlled by CVC Capital Partners and Enel Grids S.r.l., in its acquisition of Aidon Oy, a leading Nordic smart grid solution provider;
- Rovio Entertainment Corporation in the EUR 700 million all cash takeover of all shares in Rovio by Sega Europe;
- Nordic Lights Corporation in Methode Electronics Inc.’s approximately EUR 132 million takeover offer for Nordic Lights;
- Arcus ASA in cross-border merger with Altia Plc;
- Orkla ASA in the acquisition of NutraQ 2 AS, a leading supplier of health and beauty products within the two well-known health and beauty concepts VitaePro and Oslo Skin Lab;
- Telia Company in creation of JV company Valokuitunen Oy with CapMan;
- Fazer Group in the acquisition of Kaslink Group;
- Fortum Corporation in the restructuring of its ownership in Hafslund;
- Arla Oy in authority and court proceedings against Valio Oy, including civil damages claim. Supreme Administrative Court ordered record fine of EUR 70 million on Valio for predatory pricing;
- Nokia in the acquisition of Siemens’ stake in Nokia Siemens Networks, including undertaking the multijurisdictional merger control filing obligation analysis and coordinating the merger control work internationally;
- Clients before Finnish courts in matters related to alleged breach of European and domestic competition law and antitrust damages;
- Clients in matters related to public procurement proceedings before Finnish administrative courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union; and
- In substantial self-assessment reviews concerning horizontal and vertical contractual frameworks e.g. in the energy, retail and food sectors.
Roschier (2007-)
TeliaSonera Finland Oyj, Visiting Lawyer (2014-2015)
Member of the Finnish Bar Association
Member of the New York State Bar Association
Member of the American Bar Association
Member of Suomen Kilpailuoikeudellinen Yhdistys (Finnish Competition Law Association)
“A reality check for quantifying antitrust damages”, InformaConnect’s CompLaw Blog, 6 April 2020
“AG opinion – Liability for Antitrust Damages May Follow Assets Involved in A Competition Law Infringement”, Knect365 CompLaw Blog, 25 February 2019
“The Implementation and Impact of the EU Antitrust Damages Directive in Finland”, co-author C. Wik, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, 2 December 2017
“Helsingin hovioikeus tiukensi linjaa asfalttikartellin vahingonkorvausasiassa” (“Helsinki Court of Appeal Took a Stricter Approach in the Asphalt Cartel Damages Case”), Kilpailuoikeudellinen vuosikirja 2016
“Supreme Administrative Court Upholds €70 Million Fine for Predatory Pricing in the Finnish Fresh Milk Market”, Global Competition Litigation Review, volume 10, issue 2 2017
“Helsinki Court of Appeal Reduces Damages Awarded in the Asphalt Cartel Damages Case”, Global Competition Litigation Review, volume 10, issue 2 2017
“Finland, Cartel Damages and the Presumption of Harm”, blog post in IBC Legal’s CompLaw blog, 4 November 2016
“Helsinki District Court Dismisses Action for Damages in the Raw Wood Procurement Cartel Case”, Global Competition Litigation Review, issue 3 2016
“Helsinki Court of Appeal Dismisses Action for Damages in the Car Spare Parts Cartel Case”, Global Competition Litigation Review, issue 2 2016
“Proposal to Extend Economic Continuity to Antitrust Damages in Finland”, blog post in IBC Legal’s CompLaw blog, 15 March 2016
“Ehdotus taloudellisen seuraannon sisällyttämisestä tulevaan lakiin kilpauluoikeudellisista vahingonkorvauksista – onko lailla säätäminen tässä vaiheessa oikea tie eteenpäin?” (“Proposal to introduce economic continuity in the forthcoming Act on Antitrust Damages Actions – is legislation the right way forward?”), Defensor Legis 1/2016
“Court of Justice of the European Union Clarifies Jurisdictional Issues in Cartel Damages Claims”, case comment in Utilities Law Review, vol 20, issue 5 2015
”Euroopan komission suunnitelma laajentaa vähemmistöomistusten yrityskauppavalvontaa – tarpeellista täytäntöönpanon tehostamista vai ylisääntelyä?” (”The European Commission’s initiative to extend the merger control of minority ownerships – necessary improvement to the efficiency of enforcement or overregulation?”), Kilpailuoikeudellinen vuosikirja 2013
Articles in Global Competition Review and European Competition Journal
Recent speaking engagements
“Competition issues in Labour Markets”, ICLN Annual Conference, 12 September 2024, Vienna
“Opportunities for Damages Actions Beyond Cartels”, Private Enforcement of Competition Law Conference organized by Informa Connect, 4 March 2020, Brussels
“Määräävän markkina-aseman väärinkäytöstä aiheutuneiden vahingonkorvausten erityispiirteitä”, Asianajajaliiton Kilpailuvahingot -koulutus, 3.2 2020 (Characteristics of damages caused by abuse of dominance, Finnish Bar Association’s training on Competition Damages on 3 February 2020)
“Recent Developments in the Private Enforcement Regime in Finland”, Private Enforcement of Competition Law Conference organized by KNect365, 26 February 2019, Brussels
Presentation “Predatory pricing – how to defend against such practices”, international seminar on Pricing of Goods: competition and legal challenges, 11 November 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania (Speaker)
University of Chicago, LL.M. (2011)
University of Turku, LL.M. (2006)
English, Finnish, Swedish